A simple way to be happy!

By Younas Chaudhary

During my teenage years, I had a crush on a friend who was my neighbor. One day I wrote a note and gave it to my friend. The short note read: “Everything is possible to accomplish in this world, but it requires constant efforts.” She was thoroughly impressed even though I have no recollection of how I invented that quote!

Younas Chaudhary as a teenager.

As the years have gone by, I have often found simple positive affirmations and quotes to be really uplifting. While I do not keep a list of positive affirmations, I have a habit of saying uplifting things to myself to stay intentionally happy with a positive attitude. Despite the negativity that sometimes surrounds me, this positivity has kept me happy. I like to force positivity throughout my day starting from my morning walk.

People who have given me positive energy are down-to-earth people who I like to hang around. Even when I was young, I tried to spend my time around modest people, like a shepherd and other village folks who lived simple lives but were contagiously joyful and happy. I would often go back to them to listen to their tales and jokes that always had a positive, carefree spin on life. On the other hand, I often found my rich friends to be tense, careful, and mostly miserable in their outlook towards life.

Today, when I wake up, even if the world around me is about to crumble, I am intentionally optimistic and happy. I am happy to be healthy and blessed by God to be a giver and not a taker.

In life, the ability to help others gives me joy and positivity. I know I have been fortunate and every time I try to help someone in some way or another, I thank God for that opportunity and blessing. The chance to assist and serve others makes my day worth living.

I find that once you work hard, accomplish difficult things in life, and earn enough wealth, the ability to give and help others increases your joy and positivity. My days are filled with simple positive gestures of kindness that I feel will benefit others because nothing I have came from me and everything is a gift of God, a force of nature.

Today I find intelligent people look worried and miserable, blaming their unhappiness on others and living grumpy lives despite having an abundance of material comforts. When seeing them, I often return to my youthful quote “Everything is possible to accomplish in this world, but it requires constant efforts.”

I believe you can use this or other positive mantras in your own life and personal relationships, in business, and in all other walks of life to stay happy and positive. Little did I know that a quote I wrote for a teenage crush would create something so profound throughout my life and keep me happy, joyful, and positive! Stay Blessed.


The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this article are my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated. Further, I make no warranty regarding the accuracy or effectiveness of my recommendations, and readers are advised to consult other advisors as well as their own judgments in making business decisions.

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